Each of these drawings was completed either on the trip or on the way home and are based off specific portions of the trip. I'm doing separate posts for each just because it makes it clearer. The rest of my project will be coming.
“Anonymous Death” is a drawing I did in response to seeing Auschwitz. The river where the emancipated and ghost-like figure is standing is meant to represent the Vistula River, where many of the ashes of the Nazi’s victims were dumped. The trees are each made up of objects the Nazi took from their victims during processing and which we saw piles of in the museum. In addition to the shoes, glasses, and hair trees and suitcase columns, the tree in front is made up of the left-over cans of gas used in gas chambers. The ground is made up of ashes and the trees and figure are enclosed in a towering barbed-wire fence, the top of which cannot be seen. There is no top to the barbed-wire fence and there is no clear horizon line to represent the out-of-time feeling of being imprisoned in Auschwitz.
~ Ana Keck
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